...Capitol City A&E Maqgazine...

Tony Hawk it has been said he is the best in the world! Although if you only got to see the actual contest, you missed the real show! Tony was ON FIRE about 30 minutes before the delayed contest. If the contest had started on time, Tony would have shown everyone his superhuman legendary acts of 4 dimensional grooveness!

We will try to convert some bad-ass video we have of him soon, for this page? so bookmark us and come back by for the hawk upgrade.02av

He had a flawless run that everyone appreciated ( all the kids, cause it's for tha kids!)

Every move was perfect, every landing, perfectly aligned, and the attack! Bitchin'? but all right on time, but the contest was delayed for some reason or another.

His first official run was a bit restrained but good! He seemed over ready and too agressive in his second official run and the bad timing got to him. The third run was less impressive than the second. A shame because if everything would have been in sync with the posted schedule he would of put on an awsome display! All the Vert Ramp competitors were incredible though and I think it is so cool that the winner is not so cut and dry but spread out in catagories, go ahead spread the wealth, everyone here put on a great show for everyone. Thanks guys! We loved it.

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